We provide absolutely free web hosting with all features and tools you need to create a website. Free hosting is valid for the entire lifetime of your domain.
Unlimited multi-site web hosting with value added features is suitable for any type of project. We offer 30-day money back guarantee for all purchases.
Domain name is a unique identifier that allows Internet users to reach your website. We offer registration of domain names in gTLD and New gTLD zones.
Launching an attractive and scalable website quickly and affordably is important for webmasters — FreeHosting offers massive value without looking 'bargain-bin'.
Hosting account management has never been easier with cPanel® – the industry’s leading web hosting control panel.
Intuitive interface allows creating stunning websites by simply dragging content blocks with a mouse and dropping them into the right place. Over 170 predesigned templates of different categories are available to choose from.
Single-click application installer providing 350+ applications and still adding more. No post-install configuration is required – everything is done automatically.
Our service is about give you everything you need. You can host your own domain, your site can contain frames, you can put ads on your site, you can have as many web pages as you need, and we do not limit number of visitors. We provide ads-free hosting and will never put anything on your website: no links, no banners, no visitor tracking code.
Website is operated by IndoWebHost.